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There's such thing as too much, but I think we're too timid as a Church. |
I often ask myself this during church services -- and communion, especially.
Why are we so quiet and reserved? Why are we so timid? If we are celebrating the DEATH and RESURECTION of Jesus, why do we sit silently and think with our minds instead of jumping and shouting for joy?
I think some of this frustration comes from God beginning to change my heart and my walk from an intellectual one to an emotional one. Our relationship takes pondering and meditation, don't get me wrong, but how many times in the Bible did we see characters react to miracles by quietly bowing their heads and solemnly closing their eyes?
I've come to understand that -- and this seems a little obvious, at first -- Bible characters are just people. There's nothing special about Paul, other than his education and ability to teach. The apostles didn't have super powers. They're just some guys with God-given gifts.
Because they're people like us, they wade through the same issues. It takes a little time to build up trust. Even the Bible characters made bad choices early on. They had doubts, they struggled and they made mistakes. Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection, and the disciples feared for their lives in the boat during the storm.
Look at Abraham, for example. Long before we read about his example of trusting God with the life of his son, we read about how he and Sarah decide to jump the gun and jump the rails of God's plan to make a nation of Abraham. Their impatience -- a lack of trust -- leads to some nasty family business, and it's only years later that Abraham has grown in faith to the point that he's able to trust God with the life of his promised and belove'ed son.
My point? Abraham was human.
So was David, and David praised God by singing and shouting and dancing -- sometimes clothed, and sometimes not. And while I won't condone worshiping in the nude, I think the important lesson to learn is that God is an EMOTIONAL being as well as an intellectual one, and I'm frustrated with how hard it is to let go and worship God in an emotional way.
I'm also not saying that communion should be replaced by jumping up on the table and acting like monkeys, but it'd be interesting to examine how we go about such a service. There's an element of self-reflection, but we can't forsake the jumping and leaping and praising God part of it, either.
The people in the bible were humans just like us, and they made mistakes, just like us. But if they were human and they worshiped undeservedly, then why don't we?
In our culture it is socially acceptable to ask for prayer for someone who is in the hospital , maybe even fighting for their life. And to get all excited about a coming sporting event celebrating it on a National or World wide scale. But to the Christian praying for salvation (as the person hangs between life and death in their soul) is just as important as the physical struggles of the body in the hospital. When some one gets better and is out of the hospital we tell everyone, even the clerk at Walmart! As far as celebrating God's victories the way the Super Bowl is done I think they do that in heaven with gold bleachers!